Inaugurating the center control traffic lights and Peripherals

Wednesday - 16/12/2015 22:05
HNP - morning of 1/10, the Department of Transport in collaboration with the Municipal Public Security held inauguration and announced decision on recognition Buildings 60th anniversary of Hanoi Liberation Day for lights control center traffic and peripherals (phase 1). Minister of Transport Dinh La Thang and Vice Chairman Nguyen Quoc Hung attended and inaugurated.
Inaugurating the center control traffic lights and Peripherals

The project "Upgrading the control center traffic signal lights and peripherals - Phase 1" project was incorporated into the City Council targeted traffic congestion in the 2012-2015 period with investment 231.569 billion. The objective of the project is to gradually modernized control center traffic signal lights with advanced technology, modern, able to control, flexible control all traffic signal lights on the Middle shower; enhanced traffic monitoring image (observe the traffic situation via camera and detection means breaking through camera surveillance system) to ensure security and order in the city; Automatic control cycle traffic lights matching vehicle traffic in each time and flexible set of online green wave to minimize traffic jams and downtime waiting at intersections; ensures synchronous control from the control center lights ...

The tour leaders surveillance system of Center

Speaking at the ceremony, Vice Chairman Nguyen Quoc Hung praised the Department of Transportation and the City police, the project manager, the relevant unit has actively researched, developed and set Center at activity. Emphasizing the importance of urban transport operation, management and administration as well as the solution, Vice Chairman Nguyen Quoc Hung said the construction, installation, putting into use Center there is extremely important to gradually develop intelligent transportation system to serve the management, organization and administration of science, efficient and safe transportation of the Capital; increasing flexible connection between nodes, traffic lights, especially those key intersections; improve awareness of traffic participants in the work strictly observe traffic law.

To promote efficiency Centre, City Vice Chairman Nguyen Quoc Hung requirements Hanoi Department of Transport and CAPT urgently reviewing, supplementing and perfecting the system of traffic signal lights, camera surveillance system is in the urban districts to ensure the effectiveness of maintaining order traffic safety, strengthen guidance, regulatory reducing traffic congestion. At the same time, using efficient control center traffic signal lights, ensures synchronous connection, continuity between the control center with the intersections, especially intersections, major roads point, an important contribution in the running and guide traffic in the city.


Huy Kiên

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